

B1.14-Why Good Companies Go Bad

One of the most common business phenomena is also one of the most perplexing: when successful companies face big changes in their environment, they often fail to respond effectively.  Unable to defend themselves against competitors armed with new products, technologies,…

B2.4-Continuous Improvement Methodologies

In the 1920’s, scientific management swept US industries, ushering in the 2nd and 3rd industrial revolutions.  By the 1940’s and 1950’s Continuous Improvement Methodologies such as Total Quality Management (TQM) and what is now referred to as Lean were already…

L1.25-Country Clues

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

L1.24-Whats My Name

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

L1.23-The Card Game

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

L1.22-The Red Cube

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

L1.21-Mile Long Train

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

L1.20-Speeding Cars

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

W8.5-Wellness at 60

I have been on my current wellness journey for approximately eight months now and I have made some improvements both in weight and health.  I have lost approximately 35 lbs and have brought down my blood pressure to a more…

L1.19-The Lamp Room

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

L1.18-The Sundial

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

L1.17-When Was I Born

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

B1.8-Workplace Collaboration

A company is only as successful as the people working in it.  Success takes place when all the departments of an organization – from product development and marketing, to supply chain and customer service, come together to solve a customer…

L1.16-The Boxers

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

L1.15-The Labyrinth

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

L1.14-The Elevator

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

L1.13-The Intersection

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

L1.12-Calling My Dog

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

B4.1-5S Philosophy

5S is a system for organizing spaces so work can be performed efficiently, effectively, and safely.  This system focuses on putting everything where it belongs and keeping the workplace clean, which makes it easier for people to do their jobs…

L1.11-Shooting My Husband

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

A10.1-Brief History of Microsoft Excel

Introduction Microsoft Excel, the ubiquitous spreadsheet software that has become an essential tool for businesses, students, and professionals worldwide, has a rich history that spans over three decades. From its inception as a simple data management tool to its current…

L1.9-A Pointed Question

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

L1.8-The Chemist

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

B6.6-Forklift Safety

Forklift safety is a key topic in any type of manufacturing and distribution facility.  Forklifts are one of the most dangerous pieces of equipment that facilities like this have.  If not used properly and with heavy precaution they can cause…

L4.1-Woodworking Scrollwork

Hobbies are an important part of keeping your mind active and adding value to the joy of life. This is especially true when you have retired from working. As I have aged and matured, I have taken on more hobbies…

L1.7-Penny has 5 Children

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

B2.34-Agile Project Management Philosophy

How do companies like Microsoft and Google update every single one of the products in a week or two while other companies take years?  The short answer is: Agile project management. While teams following a “traditional” software development process like…

L1.6-The Three Neckties

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

L1.5-Chain of Gold

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

B2.9-Growing with Lean Principles

Survival in today’s global market requires agility to sustainably deliver value to the customer.  Lean is a business methodology that provides organizations with the ability to continuously deliver value to an ever-changing marketplace.  Lean business development enables organizations to grow…

L1.4-The Early Commuter

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

L1.3-The Returning Hunter

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

B1.7-Manage your Whirlwind

Being in the “continuous improvement” business, like any role, has its challenges.  My directive to reduce chaos tends to interrupt employees’ day jobs and has the tendency to create some interesting upheaval.  The most pronounced being that co-workers just do…

L1.2-Family Names

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

L1.1-Socks in the Drawer

If you enjoy riddles, teasers, or posers then this is just for you. Each comes with a postulated question that tricks and challenges the mind. Some are easy and some are hard. Try not to over think them and enjoy…

A1.1-Windows 11 – Overview

Windows 11 is a client operating system that runs a personal computer.  Windows 11 is built on the same foundation as Windows 10.  If you use Windows 10, then Windows 11 is a natural transition.  It’s an update to what…

B1.1-OPEX Roadmap

Operational excellence is not just a goal; it’s a journey that requires meticulous planning, execution, and continuous improvement.  It involves a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s processes, culture, and customer needs.  The roadmap to achieving operational excellence is paved with…

L6.33-Sedona, Arizona

Our trip started from the airport. DFW was hustling and bustling with travelers from all around the world. It’s always fun to people watch for a bit and wonder where all the people are traveling to. As we began to…

B1.11-Leaders and Managers

OVERVIEW Understanding the difference between a manager and a leader is key to any organization or entity.  Both are needed but the expectations and outcomes are very different.  Some people make better managers and others are better leaders.  The talents…

B1.3-Eliminating Organizational Silos

Many organizations today that struggle with change and fall short of fulfilling their ultimate vision spend countless days, weeks and months – not to mention resources – trying to understand why they can’t seem to circumvent the barriers standing in…

B1.2-CEO Roadmap

The analogy is a relatively simple one, the role of a company CEO (Chief Executive Officer) is much like the Captain of a ship.  They set a clear direction, they ensure key controls are in place, and they ensure that…

B6.4-Hearing Protection

The below Hearing Protection card summarizes the important aspects of protecting your personal hearing.  Hearing damage can be a slow, unnoticeable process of loss if proactive measures are not taken.  85 dB is the point at which permanent hearing loss…

B6.3-How to Lift Safely

Understanding how to lift objects is very important and is usually performed incorrectly.  This is especially important in the workplace where back injuries can sideline an employee for weeks or even months due to an incorrect lift. Proper form and…

W1.1-Wellness Roadmap

The Wellness Roadmap is my personal plan to become heathier.  I have always performed some level physical activities and have been on many diets in which I have lost weight but I have always returned to old habits.  Habits being…

B6.1-Hierarchy of Safety Controls

The Hierarchy of Controls features an inverted pyramid, it’s a framework and a visual guide for controlling workplace hazards and protecting employees. The hierarchy diagram below starts with the controls perceived to be most effective. Then, it moves down to…

B2.1-History of Quality & Continuous Improvement

Most of the techniques found in the Quality and Continuous Improvement toolbox have been around for some time.  This can be accredited to several professionals performing groundbreaking work in the Quality Sciences arena.  Below is an infographic showing the historical…